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These files are included in the source and binary packages.

More ZapDvb Documentation (separate Package since Version 0.50)

As the amount of documentation increases, the detailed descriptions will be distributed as a separate package.

Installation and Configuration, Step1: Basics top

Most users will install from a binary package (rpm or deb). But it is also simple to compile ZapDvb from source. Just download the archive, unpack it, change to the unpacked folder and type make (no configure). After make you should install it with sudo "./setup install".

Three important Tips: (1) Run the installation of a binary package from the command line - you will eventually see more information if a problem occurs. (2) Check if zapdvb can tune to a channel by typing "zapdvb -z -n1" (the output should contain the string FE_HAS_LOCK. (3) Start the zapdvb program from a console with a command like "zapdvb -s -n1" to see if it works.

German DVB-S users should be able to run ZapDvb as is (if their DVB drivers are working and loaded). The default configuration is set-up for ASTRA. Users that want to use DVB-T or DVB-C have to edit the configuration file and change the "sourceN=..." statements. The default installation does not contain channel lists (other than ASTRA) any more - the setup program now includes a simple scan tool. If you want another channel list, please read the instructions in How to obtain Channel Lists.

At this point you should know that ZapDvb supports up to four channels lists. The GUI is aware of the configured "sourceN=..." statements. If a list contains no radio channels you should set the contents flag (a bit mask) to 1. The GUI will enable lists of TV or radio channels depending or this flag (not on the real content). Read more about this and other details in The zapdvb.conf File.

After installation most features are still disabled. If you find that the basic features of ZapDvb are working you might want to enable more functionality using the setup program. The remainder of this text describes this in detail.

Installation and Configuration, Step2: Folders and Users top

A while after you started to use recording frequently you will have to organise your data (audio and video recordings) . A very important point are automatic clean-ups that can prevent you from filling up your hard disk with data from periodic recording jobs. Read Overview and Introduction to learn about recording with cron and at jobs. So you will have to create at least some folders and to update the configuration file to point to these folders - see The zapdvb.conf File for details. The configured folders will be known to the GUI and the video editor and will make your life a lot easier.

The next point are user rights. Even if you use ZapDvb from a single user account it would be a good idea to create a zapdvb account in /etc/passwd. No user logins are permitted for zapdvb - the account's purposes are to take the ownership of the folders mentioned above as well as the data files therein and to limit the rights of some background and server processes. All users of the ZapDvb software and the zapdvb account should be made members of the groups video and audio (you will have to do this by hand). As a result all authorised ZapDvb users can access the folders and data because group members have access rights.

To create the groups, the zapdvb account and the data folders you can start the setup program from a console window. It will prompt you for the required input (stop after point 4 using CNTL-C if you do not want to use the features described in the next section of this document):

su                              # must run as super user
cd /usr/local/share/zapdvb      # change to the installation folder
./setup confing dvb             # run setup in basic configure mode

This is configuration part 1: allow multiple users to share zapdvb

(1) create groups audio and video [y/n] y
    existing group - no action: audio
    existing group - no action: video
(2) create user zapdvb, add to groups video, audio and users [y/n] y
    user created: zapdvb
(3) create and initialise zapdvb's home directory [y/n] y
     home initialised

     DO NOT FORGET: Your zapdvb users should be added to the groups audio and video

(4) create a set of folders (for recording and capture) [y/n] y
    Enter a path for the base folder (default=/home)> /mnt/dvb
    created folder /mnt/dvb/video
    created folder /mnt/dvb/video/trash
    created folder /mnt/dvb/video/capture
    created folder /mnt/dvb/audio
    created folder /mnt/dvb/audio/trash
    created folder /mnt/dvb/audio/capture

    DO NOT FORGET: modify zapdvb.conf to match the folder names!

DVB base configuration completed.

Please do not forget to edit zapdvb.conf and /etc/groups by hand, the setup script cannot do this for you. The setup program can revert most configuration changes that it has made, see Restoring the System Configuration.

Installation and Configuration, Step3: Multiple Users sharing ZapDvb top

If people were always willing to cooperate your configuration work would be done at this point. But there is a problem left: ZapDvb uses at and cron jobs for background recording. Some user could have queued such a job a while ago. If that job now wants to execute while another user watches life TV, the job will not get access to the DVB hardware (DVB cards can usually deliver only one program at a time). Or the other way round: if somebody else has started a background job and you try to watch life TV you only get a message telling you that the DVB hardware is busy. In this section we will learn to configure ZapDvb in Family Mode to avoids these problems.

The key points are (1) to let the cron and at jobs run as user zapdvb and (2) to uses the ~zapdvb home folder to store ZapDvb's status file. Due to (1) all users can see (and delete) all the queued background jobs. If someone enters a new job all others can see it. With (2) a life DVB user will get informed in detail about a running background job.

There is one little restriction: in Family Mode you cannot directly kill a running background job. It would be too easy for unexperienced or impatient users (your kids?) to kill a precious recording accidentally. If you really want to kill a running job in this mode call "zapmcc --kill" (which is easy in KDE, just press Alt-F2 and enter the command in the dialog).

Another ZapDvb feature is Remote Mode which lets clients without DVB hardware use DVB cards on a server. On the server side Family Mode mode must be enabled and you must add an entry to the configuration of xinetd (which must be installed) to start zapdvb as a server.

To implement Family Mode and Remote Mode some lines need to be added to /etc/sudoers - which creates a small security risk. If you can live with this let the setup program do the work for you (some messages from system tools were omitted, there are also minor differences between suse and debian installations):

su                              # must run as super user
cd /usr/local/share/zapdvb      # change to the installation folder
./setup config adv              # run setup in advance config mode

This is configuration part 2:  advanced features  (family, remote)

(5) add entries to /etc/sudoers (used for recording) [y/n] y

    WARNING: All original sudo lines containing 'zapdvb' have been removed.
             The original file has been saved as: /etc/sudoers.debian

(6) create an e-mail alias entry for zapdvb [y/n] y 
    WARNING: YOU HAVE TO DO THIS MANUALLY! Cron and at jobs running as 'zapdvb' 
             will send mail if something goes wrong  -  but no user will ever 
             login as zapdvb. With a simple entry in /etc/aliases you can redirect
             the zapdvb mail to one or more real users.

    Run 'editor /etc/aliases' now [y/n] y
(7) enable server mode for this computer [y/n] y
    server config created: /etc/xinetd.d/zapdvb
    make sure that xinetd is running ...

    DO NOT FORGET: Enable 'mainuser=zapdvb' in /usr/local/share/zapdvb/zapdvb.conf!

Advanced configuration completed.

With the exception of Set-top Box Mode (see README_DATA for details) you have now completed the configuration. You could have done this in a single step calling "setup config".

Restoring the System Configuration top

The setup program saves the original files (using a suffix of suse or debian) so that configuration changes can be undone easily (some messages from system tools were omitted):

su                              # must run as super user
cd /usr/local/share/zapdvb
./setup unconf                  

This procedure will try to undo a previous zapdvb configuration

    WARNING: The configuration steps should have saved the original states in
             files ending on '.debian'.  These files will be restored and the
             current data will be saved as '.zapdvb'.

(1) Restore /boot/grub/menu.lst [y/n] y

(2) No change to /etc/inittab

(3) No change to 'runlevel 4' configuration

(3) Disable Server Mode [y/n] y

(5) Restore e-mail aliases [y/n] y

(6) Restore 'sudo' configuration [y/n] y

(7) Remove zapdvb's home folder [y/n] y

(8) Remove the zapdvb user account [y/n] y

There is a problem: unconf works fine if you run it shortly after config, but if you modify your system in between, some of these changes may get lost! unconf simply restores the data that was saved by config, it does not merge this with current data.

Tips about using Players top

ZapDvb itself does not contain player functionality. External players are used. These can be KDE programs like Kaffeine, Juk and KsCd or non-KDE apps like MPlayer, mpg123 or Xine. Some players are called directly from the main menu (Juk and KsCD) which cannot be easily (re-)configured. All other players are configurable from the zapdvb.conf file - see README_CONFIG for details. Here are some tips:

MPlayer is the recommended Video Player

Only a few features of the video player get used by ZapDvb. MPlayer has them, is reliable and starts fast (which is important for video editing). Xine and Kaffeine work but are less reliable and take longer to start. Also the View Format support works only with MPlayer, see README_CONFIG for details. So after a few experiments with other players you will download MPlayer and use it with ZapDvb. For the video editor you should tweak MPlayer's configuration a little bit. Add or change the following lines of "input.conf" to:

RIGHT seek +3
LEFT seek -3
DOWN seek -20
UP seek +20
PGUP seek +100
PGDWN seek -100

This reduces the amount of time that Cursor-Right, Cursor-Up and Page-Up will skip in input. The defaults are too large for editing video data. The current MPlayer versions honour "input skips" from stream input data - this is fine for video editing - but causes a problem: when you hit Page-Up MPlayer will read all the data that you told it to skip (100s). This takes a while as it needs some time to read the data from disk. The situation is worse with life TV: effectively the screen will freeze for 100s.

mpg123 is the only Player known to work for Life Radio

Life Radio is hard work for a player: the PC's clock and the Radio clock will not run at exactly the same speed. The player needs to stretch or squeeze the data to avoid drop-outs (underrun) are strange noises (overrun) on output. Until now only mpg123 does this job well enough for us. Mpg321 fails badly. There are still a few drop-outs with mpg123 which you should ignore as we did not pay the authors for something better (the drop-outs do not appear in recorded data anyhow).

KsCD needs a Cable and a Volume Adjustment

KsCD usually does not read-out CDs digitally - instead it uses the analog output of the CD-ROM drive. For this reason you will need (on home-made computers) to install the appropriate internal cable that usually comes with a motherboard. Another problem could be that by default the volume of "CD" analog input of your sound card is muted or set to zero. Use KaMix (or AlsaMixer) to change this. On the other hand KsCD uses almost no CPU-time and works very reliably.

Recent versions of KsCD can be configured for digital read-out (e.g. no extra analog cable), but this may cause problems with copy protected CDs. Strange situation in some countries: although you have bought the CD legally, you are not allowed to play it with digital read-out.

KDE and artsd (Advanced Real-time Sound Daemon)

Linux has had an archaic sound architecture: only one sound stream could be played at a time (Kernel 2.6 and alsa changed this). But KDE still uses a proprietary artsd daemon which allows KDE apps to open multiple output streams and arts does all the necessary format conversions and mixing. In theory this would work fine. In practice not all tools support artsd (mpg123, MPlayer and most others). Unfortunately artsd will sit on the only sound channel (DSP, Digital Signal Processor) and prevent non-arts-aware tools to play sound (most tools then simply wait for atsd to release the channel).

A work-around for this is to configure artsd to suspend itself after a short interval of inactivity (ZapDvb set this interval to 2s by default). This usually works but has some disadvantages (KDE sounds may get played at unexpected times - as you will notice soon). You could use the artsdsp helper tool to get around it. But unfortunately artsdsp has to patch the system call table of the player that it loads, which does not work always. You can for example modify your config file as shown below but with MPlayer this trick DOES NOT WORK.

 # This is only for demonstration, see artsmode=mixed for a better solution!
 cmdaudio0=artsdsp artsdsp mpg123 -q -
 #         ^       ^       ^
 #         |       |       + name of the program that artsdsp loads
 #         |       + the name (for artsdsp) that ps would show
 #         + name of a program to execute (see man:evecv for details)
 # usually zapdvb/zapcvt automatically insert the second argument but
 # not in this case because the 1st char of "mpg123" is not a "-".

In a real configuration you should not directly use artsdsp like in the example, please read about artsmode=mixed in README_CONFIG.

Remarks concerning Hardware Roles top

In Overview and Introduction we have learned that ZapDvb runs on a computer that takes one of three possible hardware roles: a (1) Set-top Box or a (2) Work Station or a (3) Server.

The Set-top Box mode works fine with a cheap bare-bone PC and a cheap LCD TV display. It offers a lot of functionality including LIRC (Remote Control) support. Read more on this in README_DATA.

Until now the discussion was centred around (2). But ZapDvb has a Remote Mode for (3): clients can transparently use the DVD card(s) of a server. Recording jobs would then run on the server, life actions on the client. The server- and network- load a moderate, try it!