What is Family mode?

With zapdvb (and most other DVB software) only one user at a time can use a DVB card. A user can be an interactive session (called foreground in this text) or some recording batch (called background in this text). One of zapdvb's features is that it assigns different priorities to fore- and background jobs. A one-time recording (via at) has priority above repeated recordings (via cron) and both have priority over a foreground job. In other words: a background job can stop a foreground job to get access to the DVB card.

Without family mode this works only if all activities are triggered by the same user (e.g. all processes use the same user id). Think of the following problem: you used zapdvb to schedule a movie recording in your absence. Now, shortly before recording starts, someone of your family uses zapdvb from a different user id to watch life TV. Without family mode your recording job will fail to get access to the DVB hardware, as it is used by someone else and zapdvb does not know by whom or how to stop that other user.

Family mode can help in such situations and usually it does not introduce new problems, except that you cannot directly stop background jobs from the GUI. This behaviour is by design: use zapmcc --kill from a command window to stop the current background job.

Reminder: You must configure family mode on the server side if you want to offer remote mode to clients.

How it works

By help of the sudo command background jobs (and the remote mode server) will be granted permission to use the kill command to send signals to other jobs. All users (and jobs) will use the same process status information file located in /usr/local/share/zapdvb/home/.zapdvb_run . Please use the /usr/local/share/zapdvb/setup conf command to configure your system (e.g. to create the zapdvb user and to modify /etc/sudoers).

Reminder: You will also have to enable the mainuser=zapdvb entry in the zapdvb section of /usr/local/share/zapdvb.conf